LTC Luta Mae Cornelius-McGrath, USA


“Because the men had families’ single people (women) were sent to the zone (behind the lines). I was sent to Heidelberg Germany and stayed there until after WWII ended. It was a very tense and intense time.”

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SKU: ThereseHughes_LTCLutaMaeCornelius_11x14_Baryta Categories: ,

LTC Luta Mae Cornelius-McGrath, USA

“Because the men had families’ single people (women) were sent to the zone (behind the lines). I was sent to Heidelberg Germany and stayed there until after WWII ended. It was a very tense and intense time.”

Shipping Information

Weight 25 oz
Dimensions 11.8 × 14.8 × .12 in
Print Size

11 x 14